shorelinE Restoration

Top Ten Reasons to Support a Nature-Based Shoreline
- Increases biodiversity: Provide habitat for a wide variety of native wildlife
- Improves air and water quality: Vegetation improves water quality near the shoreline by filtering nutrients and pollutants from runoff before it enters the water and causes algal blooms and excessive aquatic plant growth.
- Increases recreation value: Good water quality is important for swimming, water skiing, paddle boarding, kayaking and fishing
- Prevents shoreline erosion: Native vegetation stabilizes and protects the shore by absorbing wave action from storms, wind and passing boats
- Provides recreational access to the water: Nature-based practices can be used together in custom combinations to fit a variety of needs while preserving or enhancing water access
- Enjoy abundant nature: Recreating the natural habitat with flowers, shrubs, trees, and aquatic plants will attract and support fish, insects and birds
- Natural mosquito control: Attract beneficial predatory insects that reduce the mosquito population
- Increases property value: A natural shore adds beauty to your property for your enjoyment and increases property values
- Saves time and money: A natural shore reduces mowing area and helps prevent erosion
- Help to deter geese! A shoreline with natural vegetation is a deterrent to geese that prefer open areas with clear sightlines to spot potential predators

TLWA maintains a reference area in the Three Lakes Demmer Library with helpful shoreline information, including a book titled “Landscaping for Wildlife and Water Quality” that is available to check out.
- Oneida County Land And Water Conservation – Protecting your shoreline
- Wisconsin DNR – Resources on shoreland restoration:
- Wisconsin Shoreline Stabilization Outreach Program Guide
- A Collection of “Building A Shoreland Action Plans”
- Minnesota DNR – Maintaining and restoring natural shorelines:
- OCLW Healthy Lakes and Rivers – Grant program for smaller projects:
- Oneida County Cost Share – Grant program for larger projects:
For questions about your shore contact Ceci Kiefer at: [email protected]